Soul Ties 11

02 Dec

Welcome to #SoulTies 11. In #SoulTies 10, we looked at how to recover from a nasty break-up or a failed relationship and bounce back. We started by examining our commitment to God and our salvation status before looking at the importance of forgiveness and the elimination of a bitter spirit. In #SoulTies 11, we look into forgiveness and the spirit of bitterness in more detail. We see clearly from the Word of God that forgiveness is a compulsory step in recovery.

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#SoulTies 11 starts now. Please spread the word.

1. Good evening y’all. #SoulTies 11 starts now. Hope you all had a great week so far.

2. I want to state that we are not here to condemn anyone or stigmatize anyone who has repeatedly fallen into sin due to #SoulTies

3. We are here to expose #SoulTies as the works of the enemy that the blood of Jesus has been shed to purge us from.

4. We are also not here to provide excuses and reasons for Christians to continue in sin due to a misunderstanding of grace. #SoulTies

5. The Bible states clearly in Romans 6:23 that the wages of sin is death #SoulTies is no excuse for us to continue in sin

6. We are here to work out our salvation (that Jesus already paid with His blood) from #SoulTies according to God’s word.

7. Please take time off to LIKE our Facebook page using this link #SoulTies

8. Please join our FaceBook group here as well to receive time updates about our activities. #SoulTies

9. Please join our Google+ community here. We are looking to host #SoulTies Hangouts soon from there.

10. I also have a BBM pin dedicated to #SoulTies; 7c5bbd57 so you can hook up with me on BBM at your earliest convenience.

11. Last week, we started looking at how to recover from a broken relationship. We looked into our commitment to God. #SoulTies

12. Then we looked into forgiveness as the very first step of recovery from a broken relationship. #SoulTies

13. Jesus said in Mark 11:25 that when we stand praying, we should forgive. We also said that bitterness must b rooted out. #SoulTies

14. This week, we want to examine deeper, the spirit of bitterness and see from scriptures why it must be rooted out ASAP. #SoulTies

15. D things of d spirit are different from d things of d natural. U cannot understand spiritual things with your intellect #SoulTies

16. The things of God work differently from the things you learnt in university or in books or from men. #SoulTies

17. The bible says in Rom 8:6 that For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. #SoulTies

18. To be carnally minded means to be in the flesh moving with the mindset of one who has never met Christ. #SoulTies

19. That kind of mindset produces death which expresses itself in everything that satan stands for. #SoulTies

20. To be spiritually minded means to have your mindset regulated and controlled with the Words of God. #SoulTies

21. To be spiritually minded produces a result of life & peace that cannot be explained or rationalised with a natural mind. #SoulTies

22. What makes sense to God may not make sense to you because God reasons at a spiritual level and u need to step up. #SoulTies

23. The base human reaction is you have a right to be bitter and to wish or implement that bitterness in d form of revenge. #SoulTies

24. However, God’s opinion is different, better and more productive than ours. So we are here to find that out today. #SoulTies

25. Retaining bitterness against your ex-bf or gf is very bad business for you that will fetch huge losses. #SoulTies

26. It’s like trashing a ÂŁ5m deal on the 10th floor & rushing to the ground floor to fight over a ÂŁ10 fine. #SoulTies

27. Abraham had reasons to be bitter against Lot but Lot went with the juiciest deal like a typical Nigerian. #SoulTies

28. If Abraham had not forgiven Lot, he would never have thought of going over to rescue Lot from Sodom. #SoulTies

29. Your forgiveness must get to the point of thoughts of goodwill towards those who have stolen from u. #SoulTies

30. Joseph was sold by his own blood brothers into slavery. Won’t you be bitter if you were him. I would. #SoulTies

31. To further complicate things, he got falsely accused of an attempted rape and slammed into life jail. #SoulTies

32. Most of us haven’t even seen half of that tribulation and we think the whole world is against us. #SoulTies

33. Before Joseph could be promoted to the palace, he had to forgive everyone who offended him. #SoulTies

34. In the grand scheme of things, God always has a far better thing in mind for u than what got stolen. #SoulTies

35. Your holding on to the thoughts of revenge against that boy who dumped you is very bad business. #SoulTies

36. Have u ever wondered why Joseph never went to hunt Potiphar’s wife down after he became Egypt’s PM? #SoulTies

37. Some people say success is the best form of revenge. I don’t totally agree and I have my reasons. #SoulTies

38. If you don’t deal with bitterness and revenge in your heart, you will mishandle success when it comes. #SoulTies

39. We want success and breakthrough after we have been betrayed but it doesn’t cure bitterness. #SoulTies

40. A Nigerian lady once got dumped in UNI in a very brutal fashion. It was very traumatic for her then. #SoulTies

41. Years later, she had recovered from the wicked actions of the man, gotten married to an army officer. #SoulTies

42. Everything was all rosy for her, u’ll want to imagine that it was a good thing that the first guy left. #SoulTies

43. In Nigeria, army officers wives r almost as powerful as their husbands. They travel around with armed escorts. #SoulTies

44. One day she was in traffic and she spotted this guy who dumped her from a distance driving in his own car. #SoulTies

45. She instantly barked orders to her armed escorts to go fetch the guy and give him a thorough beating. #SoulTies

46. She made eye contact with him to let him know that she sent the soldiers to beat him up in public. #SoulTies

47. She wanted to ensure the guy felt the same pain that she felt from the breakup several years back. #SoulTies.

48. So I submit to you that success and progress are good after betrayal but they don’t cure bitterness. #SoulTies

49. I also submit that success will be mishandled if bitterness has not been eliminated before it comes. #SoulTies

50. God put the lives of those who betrayed Joseph under his care & he never killed them with his success. #SoulTies

51. You are praying for a success that you will use in oppressing those that mocked u. Simply stated, u r vain. #SoulTies

52. Joseph’s brothers were scared that he would take it out on them now that he became Egypt’s PM. #SoulTies

53. But pay attention to his response in Gen 45:5 #SoulTies

54. Genesis 45:5a Now therefore be not grieved, nor angry with yourselves, that ye sold me hither:..#SoulTies

55. Genesis 45:5b……for God did send me before you to preserve life. #SoulTies

56. He saw their betrayal as an act of God that propelled him into his divine destiny. #SoulTies

57. Low thinking imagines betrayal and stuff are the end of the world so they start lashing out for revenge. #SoulTies

58. Godly thinking imagines that betrayal is part of God’s agenda to launch him/her into divine destiny. #SoulTies

59. When you have been betrayed and dumped by men, it’s time to look up to heaven for God’s agenda. #SoulTies

60. Until Joseph forgave his brothers, his promotion didn’t come else he would have misunderstood it. #SoulTies

61. This is the power of the gospel of Jesus Christ we are talking about here, not some motivational self-help stuff. #SoulTies

62. Jesus said in Matthew 18:34-35 that you live under spiritual torment if you refuse to forgive. #SoulTies

63. If u refuse to forgive, u potentially sacrifice a bigger thing that’s meant to come for a small thing u lost. #SoulTies

64. When u refuse to forgive, u also open yourself up to demonic activity pushing you to silly acts of revenge. #SoulTies

65. When u refuse to forgive that boy or girl who dumped you, u are holding on to the #SoulTies he/she left behind.

66. When u refuse to forgive, u are allowing that ex-bf or gf to live rent-free in your heart wasting space. #SoulTies

67. When ur ex lives rent-free in your heart, u haven’t recovered and u’ll keep talking about him/her. #SoulTies

68. When u keep talking about the person that broke your heart,a good new person is prevented from coming. #SoulTies

69. The problem most people have is with believing that there is a better future than the past that was lost. #SoulTies

70. Isaiah 43:18 Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old. #SoulTies

71. Isaiah 43:19a Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it?… #SoulTies

72. Isaiah 43:19b I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert. #SoulTies

73. God has far better men in His store than the dud who maltreated you. Let go and let God. #SoulTies

74. When God brought d children of Israel out of d wilderness, it was a type of us receiving Christ and getting born again. #SoulTies

75. Their journey through Egypt was a type of us passing through challenges on our way to a miracle. #SoulTies

76. The challenges they passed through all had their spiritual significance and we will examine just one of them. #SoulTies

77. Exo15:23a And when they came to Marah, they could not drink of the waters of Marah,… #SoulTies

78. Exo 15:23b ….for they were bitter:therefore the name of it was called Marah. #SoulTies

79. They responded to this challenge of bitter waters by murmuring against God and Moses. #SoulTies

80. Moses cried unto The Lord for a solution and God gave him one in vs 25. #SoulTies

81. Exodus 15:25a ..and the Lord shewed him a tree, which when he had cast into the waters,.. #SoulTies

82. Exodus 15:25b .., the waters were made sweet #SoulTies

83. I believe that tree there is a type of the Word of God. How do I know? #SoulTies. First, he got it by revelation.

84. Secondly, there’s another verse that points to the Word of God as tool in dealing with bitterness or offence. #SoulTies

85. Psalms 119:165 Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them. #SoulTies

86. To deal with offence & bitterness, you need to have been born-again & you need to set your love on God’s Word. #SoulTies

87. A love for the Word of God (not just church going) will set your heart in a zone that bitterness cannot break into. #SoulTies

88. Does this mean people will not do things to offend u? They would but you are fortified with God’s Word against offence. #SoulTies

89. A heartfelt love for the Word of God will drive offence & bitterness away from you. #SoulTies

90. Forgiving your ex-bf/gf and getting rid of bitterness are compulsory steps u MUST take to recover. #SoulTies

91. Casting the Word of God into your heart like Moses cast the tree into the waters is essential in your recovery journey. #SoulTies

92. If u hold on to that old ex in bitterness, u stunt your future and prolong your days in the wilderness. #SoulTies

93. Next week, we look at how to wean yourself off #SoulTies left behind by broken relationships. #SoulTies

94. Please feel free to follow me on @solaadio & @charisgrays and to also retweet #SoulTies 11.

95. U can read all the tweets at . Catch u next Sunday 5:00pmGMT/6:00pm Nig. time. Jesus Christ is Lord. #SoulTies

If you have been blessed by this piece and you want to share your prayer requests or testimonies with me, please use this contact form. Your email will come straight to me and will not be published on this site.

Your servant in Christ
Olusola Adio

BB: 7C5BBD57

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Posted by on December 2, 2013 in Bitterness, SoulTies, Unforgiveness


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