Soul Ties 17

10 Feb

Welcome to #SoulTies 17. In this session, we continue with our study of non-sexual #SoulTies that can be potentially harmful. Today, we shine our spotlight on crushes, a hidden form of #SoulTies that can be potentially dangerous.

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#SoulTies 17 starts shortly.

1. Good morning y’all. Pls email me ur testimony on if u have been blessed by #SoulTies tweets.

2. I want to state that we are not here to condemn anyone or stigmatize anyone who has repeatedly fallen into sin due to #SoulTies

3. We are here to expose #SoulTies as the works of the enemy that the blood of Jesus has been shed to purge us from.

4. I also want to say that this isn’t a motivational broadcast but the gospel of Jesus Christ. #SoulTies

5. We are looking at this from the standard of the Word of God and no less. No compromise. #SoulTies

6. The flesh finds the Word and the Spirit of God unbearable but we cannot dilute the message. #SoulTies

7. Please take time off to LIKE our Facebook page using this link #SoulTies

8. Please join our FaceBook group here as well to receive timely updates about our activities. #SoulTies

9. Going forward, we’ll be hosting more interactive #SoulTies hangouts and reducing the frequency of the tweets.

10. So please be sure to hook up with me on Google+ for the hangouts.

11. In these #SoulTies hangouts, there’ll be room for people to ask questions about what we have been learning.

12. I also have a BBM pin dedicated to #SoulTies; 7c5bbd57 so you can hook up on BBM at your earliest convenience.

13. Please visit our new blog page to access audio downloads of the #SoulTies tweets.

14. Today, we continue with looking at other entry points for #SoulTies apart from sex.

15. It is widely believed by experts that 50% of emotional affairs aka #SoulTies metamorphose into sexual affairs.

16. If you are involved in a so-called platonic friendship, your chances of ending up in bed are 50%. #SoulTies

17. We will look at platonic friendships soon. Platonic friendships mask unspoken emotional feelings for a while. #SoulTies

18. Today, we are looking at crushes. They are another form of #SoulTies that can be potentially distractive.

19. I also promised a few days ago to disclose my secondary school crush so stay tuned. #SoulTies

20. Let’s start with a few definitions. A crush is a painful experience that involves being obsessed with the opposite sex. #SoulTies

21. A crush is a burning desire to be with someone who you find very attractive and extremely special but have no access to. #SoulTies

22. A crush is also a sad feeling of falling in love with a person who doesn’t know you and who can’t or will never love you. #SoulTies

23. A crush also gives you feelings of nerves and excitement whenever you see them. #SoulTies

24. A lot of times, a crush is kept as a closely guarded secret but often shared with your partners in crime. #SoulTies

25. Public figures like politicians, newscasters, pastors, actors are simultaneously crushed on by many unknown to them. #SoulTies

26. Crushes are very common amongst school kids or students who haven’t reached the legal age minimum for relationships. #SoulTies

27. Crushes are also common where there is a scarcity of members of the opposite sex. I’ll explain in the next 2 tweets. #SoulTies

28. I attended a boys only school and that meant we were all boys with no girls sitting with us. #SoulTies

29. Whenever a new attractive female teacher joined the school, so many of us were crushing on just her. Don’t judge us. Lol. #SoulTies

30. Girls are worse hit here because they r more emotional. More happened in girls only schools but I’ll spare y’all for now. #SoulTies

31. Let’s take things a little further from here about crushes. #SoulTies

32. There r extreme cases where people stretch their imaginations and fantasies a lot further & these happened in real life. #SoulTies

33. Some people have already undressed their crushes, owned their crushes and married their crushes in their thoughts. #SoulTies

34. D very artistic ones spend time drawing pictures of their crushes on pieces of paper while lectures are going on in class. #SoulTies

35. D very poetic ones spend time writing pretend love letters and poems about their crushes during Sunday service. #SoulTies

36. Some even develop intense hatred for the wives of their crushes and see them as competitors. #SoulTies

37. If you know anyone crushing on you, never ever grant them access to your spouse. You may regret it. #SoulTies

38. A lot of times, these crushes fizzle out as you grow up and become more sensible, realizing they can’t happen. #SoulTies

39. Some never grow out of them as satan transformed those crushes into demonic obsessions in their souls. #SoulTies

40. At this level, it technically becomes witchcraft in the realm of the spirit and escalates to ridiculous actions. #SoulTies

41. On many occasions in the West, men have been known to stalk actresses and public figures they were crushing on. #SoulTies

42. As a sidetrack, a number of adult rapists first crushed on their known victims before hatching a plot to attack them. #SoulTies

43. Ladies, a guy who discloses his crush about you may not always be a safe person to be with alone. #SoulTies

44. If u don’t fulfill d dreams he has of you, he may entice u into a location where he can forcibly bring his dreams to pass. #SoulTies

45. Before the women jump out with their pitchforks, “RAPE IS INEXCUSABLE”. Just giving a clue that can help avoid one. #SoulTies

46. Some ladies in church hate the pastor’s wife because she is unfortunately married to their target. #SoulTies

47. Carlton Pearson married very late and several women left the church when he did. They must have all crushed on him. #SoulTies

48. A former UK-based Nigerian singer married recently and I saw ‘aggrieved’ men post sick tweets on my TL about her. #SoulTies

49. When an object of your crush marries, you go through the same emotions felt by a jilted lover. #SoulTies

50. In secondary school, I had an extremely small stature in form 1. I was also a nerd who buried his head in the books. #SoulTies

51. It was a boys only school. Somehow, we began to discover things & changes  about ourselves we couldn’t explain. #SoulTies

52. I can’t give you the details here but those changes are summarised in a word called puberty.

53. I was the best French language student in form 1 and we were taught French by a lady called Miss Coker. #SoulTies

54. Was hanging out last week with my old boys on Facebook, we all married with kids but we started disclosing our crushes. #SoulTies

55. That was when I remembered Miss Coker. She was my top crush then. #SoulTies

56. Will tell you more about Miss Coker in #SoulTies 18 and will also address what we need to do about crushes. #SoulTies

57. An unhandled crush can sink your marriage if you don’t deal with it. #SoulTies

58. An unhandled crush can rob you of emotional health in your existing relationships. #SoulTies

59. An unhandled crush can make you have silly expectations of your future spouse or partner that may rob you of joy. #SoulTies

60. Will catch you guys on #SoulTies 18. Gotta run. Hit me up on @solaadio for any comments or feedback. #SoulTies

If you have been blessed by this piece and you want to share your prayer requests or testimonies with me, please use this contact form. Your email will come straight to me and will not be published on this site. My BB pin is 7C5BBD57.

Your servant in Christ
Olusola Adio

BB: 7C5BBD57

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Posted by on February 10, 2014 in Bitterness, SoulTies, Unforgiveness


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