Soul Ties 24 – Platonic Relationships 2

08 Jul
Soul Ties 24 – Platonic Relationships 2


Welcome to #SoulTies 24. In #SoulTies 23, we started looking at platonic relationships. Before we continue with Platonic relationships, we want to look at Gist-Mates. They are different from platonic friends.

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Good evening y’all. “Platonic relationships” starts now. Hope you all had a great week so far.

1. I want to state that we are not here to condemn anyone or stigmatise anyone who has repeatedly fallen into sin due to #SoulTies

2. We are here to expose #SoulTies as the works of the enemy that the blood of Jesus has been shed to purge us from.

3. We are also not here to provide excuses and reasons for Christians to continue in sin due to a misunderstanding of grace. #SoulTies

4. The Bible states clearly in Romans 6:23 that the wages of sin is death #SoulTies is no excuse for us to continue in sin

5. We are here to work out our salvation (that Jesus already paid with His blood) from #SoulTies according to God?s word.

6. Tonight we are attempting to look into d subject of platonic relationships, in d context of #SoulTies. Are they good or are they bad?

7. Please follow @SoulTiesTweets an account dedicated solely to #SoulTies just for you to read #SoulTies stuff. Kindly RT.

8. Just before we dive into business, I want to tell you about our #SoulTies blog.

9. will be single repository for all our #SoulTies resources. We have all the #SoulTies tweet casts there for you.

10. Also, you can send me questions, testimonies & prayer points through the “Contact Us” page #SoulTies

11. Please visit d blog, leave your comments, spread the news using the FB, Twitter share buttons. #SoulTies

12. If you missed Platonic relationships 1, last week, it’s up on the blog here. #SoulTies

13. Defn: A platonic relationship is pure affection, subsisting between persons of opposite sex, unmixed with sexual desires. #SoulTies

14. Remember, I have previously said before that most men interpret love through their organs and women through their hearts. #SoulTies

15. Hence, d ultimate way you prove love to a carnal & uncircumcised man is to have sex with him. Works differently for women. #SoulTies

16. We stopped last week at a point where we highlighted the risks involved in platonic relationships. #SoulTies

17. I had a few questions from eager followers wanting to know if platonic relationships had a place in Christianity or nah! #SoulTies

18. My robust response will unfold over the next 40 tweets today and another 60-65 tweets tomorrow. #SoulTies

19. I want to start by defining a few terms for the purpose of our discussion so we don’t run into a conflict here. #SoulTies

20. A gist-mate is a trusted person that u share intimate stuff about yourself with, for d purpose of comforting or advising u. #SoulTies

21. A gist-mate can be any sex, or any age, contactable or remote. A gist-mate doesn’t have any romantic attachment. #SoulTies

22. Women have more gist-mates than men because they don’t like suffering in silence.

23. Most men prefer to suffer in silence to prove they are macho. #SoulTies

24. Gist-mates are for different areas of life and they come from diverse religious, social and ethnic backgrounds. #SoulTies

25. I have gist-mates spread across these demographics. I got men, women, lot younger, lot older, Muslims, Christians. #SoulTies

26. Christians are however advised in Psalms 1:1-3 as to who their most influential gist mates should be. #SoulTies

27. Gist-mates who offer you counsel that contradicts the Word of God are to be AVOIDED. #SoulTies

28. I only expose non-sensitive areas like my secular career to trusted gist-mates that aren’t Christians. #SoulTies

29. I can’t expose my marital issues to ungodly gist-mates but we can discuss impending career moves very freely. #SoulTies

30. Women use a fair bit of gist-mates. How do I know? I see them at the coffee machine talking softly in groups of 2 or 3. #SoulTies

31. Most women, who have trusted gist-mates don’t internalize pain. They express it to their gist-mates. #SoulTies

32. I was on same train with a lady broke down in tears as she revealed how she caught her husband cheating, to 3-4 gist mates. #SoulTies

33. Most men who don’t use gist mates would do something silly in a delayed reaction to the same situation. #SoulTies

34. Having gist mates has it’s own stress in the area of confidentiality. I won’t go into that today cos of time. #SoulTies

35. A lot of women, even in church keep their eyes open for reliable gist mates.

36. Some prefer men cos it’s believed men carry less drama than women. #SoulTies

37. A lot of men also miscalculate women’s attempt at appointing them as gist mates to be romantic attraction. #SoulTies

38. Not all women who want to gist with you are interested in anything more than gisting with you. #SoulTies

39. If you can’t handle gist with genuine interest, then discourage having gist mates. It also means that you won’t be vast. #SoulTies

40. A note to married men here. If you are a poor listener, your wife will have more gist mates outside your home than normal. #SoulTies

41. Most abusive husbands prevent their wives from having gist mates so that their atrocities will remain unknown to outsiders. #SoulTies

42. If you are a husband who always waves off the concerns of his wife, she will recruit more gist mates behind you. #SoulTies

43. Contrary to popular belief that wives who get beat don’t tell, they ALWAYS tell their gist mates but bind them secrecy. #SoulTies

44. So if u are a wife beater, gist mates out there know about u & the day she goes missing, they will blow the danger whistle. #SoulTies

45. I don’t see anything wrong with married and unmarried people with a handful of gist mates as long as Ps1:1-3 is obeyed. #SoulTies

46. Let’s go up one level from gist mates to platonic relationships. #SoulTies

47. A platonic relationship involves a man and a woman who attempt to exchange affection but cut out the sex component. #SoulTies

48. I have seen relationships that go beyond d gist mate level into d platonic level, involving married & unmarried people. #SoulTies

49. Platonic relationships are not just for gists but they are for d trading of affections without sex or marriage commitments. #SoulTies

50. Remember that we earlier defined platonic as excluding sex or marital commitment. #SoulTies

51. Unmarried women having difficulty getting husbands or love starved married women indulge in platonic relationships. #SoulTies

52. Men play along in many platonic arrangements waiting for a crack in the woman’s system that will bring sex to the table. #SoulTies

53. Women see a platonic arrangement as cool cos it doesn’t offer the hassles of sexual demands, STD, pregnancies etc #SoulTies

54. Women unable to marry or disgruntled married women meet almost all their needs through a platonic arrangement. #SoulTies

55. Platonic relationships are the dream world for most women. However, it doesn’t suit men 100% cos sex isn’t on the table. #SoulTies

56. Except a man is gay, or ur daddy or uncle or genuine spiritual mentor, he’ll feel an erection for u in a flow of affection. #SoulTies

57. I once saw a very hilarious variant of platonic relationships on one of my previous contracts. #SoulTies

58. I saw a married Christian lady on a previous job, openly operate a platonic relationship with a homosexual man. #SoulTies

59. The thinking was that since the homosexual guy isn’t sexually active towards women, she isn’t at a sexual risk. #SoulTies

60. They would hug and cuddle. The guy even told me about his feelings for her and how that it’s ok since they won’t have sex. #SoulTies

61, I asked the lady if the homosexual guy in a platonic relationship with her was known to her husband, she said NO. #SoulTies

62. I won’t offer any comment on this arrangement yet until tomorrow evening on “Platonic Relationships 3”. #SoulTies Join me then 6:00pm

63. But let’s continue for another 5 mins with our gist. At least y’all my gist mates, you are enjoying this gist, right? #SoulTies

64. Another scenario is when a married person is operating a platonic relationship with a person known to the spouse. #SoulTies

65. There are cases where such people pretend to be helping or to be helped but they are actually platonic mates. #SoulTies

66. From my definition and description of platonic friendships, what do y’all think? #SoulTies

67. I will continue tomorrow at 6:00 pm and I promise to come with a load of scriptures to go in very harder. #SoulTies

68. Please feel free to RT all today’s tweets and get your friends to follow me on @solaadio & @soultiestweets #SoulTies

69. Please feel free to hook up with me on BB using 7C5BBD57. Hope you guys enjoyed this. Catch y’all tomorrow. #SoulTies

If you have been blessed by this piece and you want to share your prayer requests or testimonies with me, please use this contact form. Your email will come straight to me and will not be published on this site. My BB pin is 7C5BBD57.

Your servant in Christ
Olusola Adio

BB: 7C5BBD57

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Posted by on July 8, 2014 in Bitterness, SoulTies, Unforgiveness


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